Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random thoughts

H is sending me songs now (: Clinicals tmrw ((:

CA's ended and it's about 7 weeks to Pros.

I've finished watching 5 seasons of Grey's now (till the latest episode). Just promised O that I'd get him a golliwog for his birthday.

Tried this shrimp flavoured spicy Korean instant noodles that my friend highly recommended. It has a nice flavour.

I do not like being late for school even by a few minutes, running in the rain to the LT and missing 5 minutes of the lecture the way I did today.

I just did a 'What is your meant-to-be job?' quiz on fb and the result is Artist. Why oh why is it always artist when I take these sort of quizzes? For the question 'What is your favourite subject in school?' I chose Science over Art! (Although I really liked Art too)

Need to exercise.

Need to sleep.