Monday, June 21, 2010


I can't sleep!!! Probably too excited (or nervous) about tomorrow.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today was the most fun school day ever. :D

1. Got to catheterize male and female and get jelly lubricant and 'pee' all over my hands. Success on first try with the doctor pouring huge amounts of 'pee' into the bladder

2. Got to wear the pulse oximeter and BP cuff. My oxygen saturation is 100%!

3. Got to charge the paddles to 150 (not 300 like in tv shows) and shout 'All clear!' and shock the (fake) patient

4. Managed to intubate the patient on my first try

5. Got to put in a NG tube and open the patient's chest and watch it go into his stomach. Also put in one into the lungs oops- but got to feel the high resistance

6. Volunteered to set up the bag mask ventilator and ventilate at 20 breaths per minute

7. Got praised by the surgeon for my continuous suture (beams)

8. Love knot tying- except I just realised he didn't teach us the one-handed one! Have to watch the video tonight.

9. Learnt the subcutaneous suture (start from deep)

10. Ayam penyet

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer

Who of us is good at all
without Your love
to heal our brokenness?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thank you God for blessing me with the loveliest of friends

You guys are really the best kind of friends. Yall did more than I could ever ask, and I am so grateful and thankful, and touched beyond words.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

There's no guarantee that this life's easy

There's really only two weeks left of the holidays!! And this hols has been really FAB

Camp Simba was a wonderful experience. I loved it when one of my three angels sang When I look at you. Her voice was so sweet but it also broke my heart, cuz she said the song meant a lot to her. Lord, please hug the little ones when they have to face such big things now, and in the future.