Friday, May 18, 2012

I like GS

I wish there were more time....I wanna do so many things. Wanna follow OT call and HO2's call tomorrow. Wanna run (input output balance has been positive for weeks). Wanna go shopping. Wanna write paper (seriously delayed. In my con's words, stop playing!!! Have started tonight but progress unsatisfactory.) Even when things are done at GS speed i.e. Walk at 3x normal speed, there are still not enough hours in a day. Spent last night shivering in the call room cuz I was too lazy to get scrubs. Tonight in warm bed - sleep!! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My alien

I'm at KL airport coming home already :) This trip has been most many happy memories. So many to pick from I don't know which is my favorite. Maybe it's the one where I wiped my tears off your shoulders and you smiled your super cute smile at me. (;

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We will run and not grow weary for our God will be our strength

The past few weeks have flown by so quickly and I haven't had much time to myself.. Back from India and going to KL day after tomorrow. The highlights were 1)Got to do minor surgeries on a pig, 2)Did more stitches in one day in the minor OT yesterday than I've done in my life, 3)Started trauma posting, 4)well, many more that I cannot remember. My days since returning back from India have just been a mad whirl of trying to finish preparing for presentations, catching up with sleep..these days I can go to bed at 830pm. Haha. Goodnight!