Saturday, July 9, 2011

Best Day of Med School

Today is the last day of the 2nd week of M4 and possibly the Best Day of Med School Ever! So it deserves a post all on its own. :)

Ranks up there with the day I did the I&D in OT on my own, the day when I scrubbed for the hernia repair, the call when I scrubbed for 2 cases in the EOT, the first surgery I scrubbed up for (Hartmann's), the no-sleep surg calls we did at TTSH.

Back to today. It started with rounds which were pretty enjoyable and then clerking 3 good cases with CG mate then mini tutorial with a nice nurse. Then a lovely free lunch with dessert before the cervical incompetence talk where I suffered post-prandial drowsiness sigh.. Went for clinic with my prof and got to do VEs/speculum/bimanual exam/obstetric exam and discuss every case with all my questions answered! Towards the end of the clinic session, he got called for a delivery so we went to Delivery suite and I delivered my first baby!! And my first placenta and first epi-repair (((: Very pleased that my youtube handtie and instrument tie watching with K in the LT paid off :D Didn't make all those mistakes that I made with the pelvic trainer- real vagina is much easier to sew.

It was a happy and pretty strange experience.... Watching the baby's hair still at the introitus, putting my hand in and feeling the overlap of the skull bones, baby's head molding before my eyes, the curiosity about how the baby would look like when more of the head started to appear as it was occiput-anterior, the amazement that restitution is really automatic and suddenly the baby's face is facing you! And you finally see the face. The delivery of the body was so fast and in three seconds the whole baby is out and you are the first one who saw it and pulled it out! Then it lets out a cry and really surprised me hahaha. (I keep calling the baby it cuz I was so excited by everything and didn't notice the baby's sex- she was a baby girl.) Controlled cord traction is fun... the placenta is not the colour I expected. Also, much more bleeding than I'd expected, and less pain. Would love to see the mom and baby post-op and see how cute the baby is (usually they are quite ugly when born but turn super cute and red on post-delivery day one) and look at the mom's episiotomy scar, but tmrw's is Sat sigh.

It sounds like the delivery was the main highlight.. it was, but the clinic part contributed significantly too.

And I made an interesting discovery haha.... the prof that I followed may have delivered ME! Haha!

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